Who We Are
Established in 1993; with over 25 years of combined manufacturing expertise, Industrial Packaging Limited stands at the forefront of delivering sustainable packaging and labelling solutions which are engineered to effectively differentiate and protect the products sheltered within.
We pride ourselves on quality assurance and best practice though-out our production cycle.
Based in Tanzania with operations in the East African region, we seek excellence through sustainability. Our wide range of packaging and labelling solutions are designed and customised to best suit your product. We recycle 100% of our in-house waste; ensuring a sustainable and responsible production cycle.
Our Mission
To provide high quality food grade packaging and labelling materials and to add value to your product and brand.
“We seek to professionally serve our clients by offering international quality standards, though continued learning and technological advancements."
- Managing Director, Sajid Dawood
Quality Assurance
We take pride in our offerings of sustainable quality packaging & labelling solutions which are at the essence of our business model. In conjuncture with international standards and best practise, our quality assurance ethos operates within a framework facilitating the identification of corrective action, systems and processes. In short we believe, in order to achieve quality we must be ready to allow for continuous improvement in all aspects.
Contact Industrial Packaging Limited
Open: Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00 | Saturday 08:00 - 13:00
Nelson Mandela Express Way, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Call +255 754 450 000 | Email [email protected]
Oxo-biodegradable Technology Standards & Certifications